Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Ocean
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The August Butterfly Garden
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ode to Potatoes

My brother is carrying on the potato tradition in his garden. My grandfather grew potatoes to provide food for his family and his sons' families, like so many people of his day. My brother, on the other hand, grows potatoes for their unique shapes, flavors and textures. Better yet, he likes to share the fruits of his labors. Pictured above are the three varities he grew this year which he has graciously shared with me. On the left is the King Harry, which I have not yet tasted. In the middle are the Russian Fingerlings. On the right are the Island Sunshines. I have had both the Russian Fingerling and the Island Sunshine, with the Island Sunshine being my favorite. The Island Sunshines are medium yellow in color, and incredibly creamy in texture. My first experience with a yellow potato was the Yukon Gold. They are widely sold now in almost all grocery stores. While the Yukon Gold is good, how much more wonderful is a potato with the name Island Sunshine! Cooked gently, skins on, with butter, and a smattering of salt and pepper! It just doesn't get much better than that.
If you have the good fortune to have a generous brother who is willing to share his garden treasures, then you are indeed blessed. If you do not have such a brother, then head to the local farmer's market to look over their offerings. You are bound to find some equally wonderful potato varieties. You will find that the products offered in Farmer's Markets are grown by people who have an abiding love of the land. Their products are freshly harvested and bursting with flavor. While you may not be able to experience the joy of watching the vegetables being dug from the earth, you will enjoy the wonderful flavors and textures of locally produced food.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
A Golden Summer Night

Gazpacho - With a Twist

Chop tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, jalapeno pepper, onion, and garlic roughly. Pulse in food processor until very finely chopped, but not pureed. Add all ingredients and chill. The longer the soup is chilled, the more intensified the flavors. Serve with a dollop of sour cream and croutons. See recipe below for croutons.
2 slices French or other crusty bread cut into small cubes
Heat olive oil and butter in skillet until butter melts. Add cubed bread all at once and stir to blend in olive oil and butter. Cook bread on medium until bread begins to color on all sides. Add crushed garlic for the last couple of minutes of cooking. Remove from heat and stir in Parmesan cheese.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Painted Lady
The old colors are the barn red and goldish orange. The new colors, taken from a historic palette, are olive green, dark green, purple, and, I think, creamy yellow. They weren't sure about the creamy yellow when I last talked with them, but I think I am seeing touches of it now. I absolutely love the purple.
As they make progress on their home, I will take more photos to share with you.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Saguaro Cactus Project

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Drama on the North Forty
After changing into some comfortable clothes, I went to the garden to pick some vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. Yum. My little friend did not follow me as she normally does. When I returned to the house, my husband asked me if the cat had turned up. I could sense some concern in his voice because Mama is so very predictable. So, he took a turn around the North Forty calling her name. Yep, our neighbors probably think us daft, strolling around the yard, calling for Mama, over and over again. I joined my husband in the front yard where there sat our beloved cat, on a branch 20 feet off the ground in one of the oak trees. A huge cat sat below her, I guess, daring her to come down. The brute was summarily chased away.
Mama walked back and forth between two branches, meowing non-stop. I suggested that we call the Fire Department to assist us in getting her out of the tree. Isn't that the classic thing to do when your cat is stuck in a tree? My husband just gave me one of those looks. We decided, instead, to give her some time, hoping she would back down out of the tree, as we have seen her do before. We entreated her to come down in our most soothing voices. We walked away from her, hoping she would want to follow us. No deal. This time, she was just too high in the tree to get herself down. I think she was afraid. I know I would have been.
When it became clear she had no intention of removing herself from her perch, my husband went to the neighbor's house to borrow his aged red wooden extension ladder. We placed it up against the tree, and my husband tentatively began to make his way up the rickety ladder toward Mama. My job was to try to hold the ladder steady (and break his fall, I suppose, should the ladder give way). I did volunteer to climb the ladder, though not with abundant enthusiasm.
When he approached her, she wasn't too keen about letting go of the branch. He finally managed to pry her claws free, and steadied her against his side. He slowly backed down the ladder and when he was still about 10 feet from the ground, Mama bounded out of his arms. She must have sensed that she could survive a leap from 10 feet. She landed with a thud on all four feet and fled the scene.
Once she had composed herself, she circled in for a long pet, some food and water, and a nap. She spent most of the evening recovering from her angst filled day. She is sleeping now. The rickety red ladder is back in the neighbor's garage, awaiting its next adventure. The fire department was not called to the rescue. And, my husband saved the day. He's such a sucker for Mama.
All is well.
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Few Favorite Things - Containers
Friday, July 9, 2010

This is the almost done pizza - hot Italian sausage on one half, pepperoni on the other, with a scattering of fresh onions over all of it. The toppings sit atop the tomato mixture, which sits atop the cheese. It's sort of an upside down pizza. Here is the recipe as written by Pasquale. I'll give you my adaptations afterward.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Butterfly Garden II
Here are some photos I took in the Butterfly Garden at the Children's Learning Center yesterday morning. The photos were taken after I finished weeding (of course). I'm happy to report all the plants and flowers are thriving since I planted them several weeks ago. They are being watered regularly by staff members. The butterfly weed (asclepias), third photo from the top, is my favorite plant in the garden. It was blooming when I bought it and it continues to have bright orangish-yellow blooms. It's long and lanky with dependably green foliage. It's a real winner!
I hope to have the garden finished by mid-August. There are stepping stones left to be placed, a tic-tac-toe game to finish, and some late summer blooming plants to get in the ground. I hope to find a small piece of sculpture to further enliven the space. So far, I'm very happy with the result and, apparently, so are the children for whom the space was created.
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tonight, the pond gurgles in the distance. A lonely toad groans. In addition to the summer sounds to which I have grown so accustomed, the stillness is broken by the snap, crackle, and pop of distant fireworks. Every now and then a fairly thunderous boom asserts itself. Poor Mama the cat isn't so happy with all the commotion. She's found a lap and is settling in nicely.
We went shopping today in Columbus, about two hours from our home. What wonderful treasures we brought home from the "big city". We bought Georgia peaches, homegrown first of the season sweet corn, and an Indiana melon from Carfagna's, our favorite grocery store. The rich, ripe smell of melon greets us each time we open the refrigerator door. A great breakfast awaits tomorrow - fresh fruit and crusty toasted bread.
We feasted our eyes on so many fabulous sights. I especially was drawn to the images at Pottery Barn. They offered some very understated nautical pieces, to which I took an immediate liking -browns,beiges, off-whites and clears, with a little burst of orange thrown in. It's probably a good thing I don't live in Columbus where all those temptations lurk.
My neighbor, known for his fireworks displays, has begun to launch his annual technicolor, quite loud display. I'm taking a break to revel in the sparkling magnificence. Poor Mama.
Happy Fourth of July tomorrow! Enjoy your time with friends and family!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
First Tomato
But, back to the tomato. It's so juicy, sweet and absolutely bursting with flavor. It was still faintly warm when I sliced into it. The fruit was almost round, not too big, and perfectly tomato red. I chopped it into uneven chunks in my eagerness to eat it. A little dab of cottage cheese, some cucumber slices (from my garden), a dash of salt and freshly ground pepper, and I'm savoring the perfect summer meal.
If you've not had your first homegrown tomato, I hope you will soon. It's such a wonderful treat.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Bathroom, Continued

We've decided the internet, while a source of much good information, has a lot of conflicting information for do-it-yourselfers. If you use the internet for home improvement, be sure to read more than one site. And, if in doubt, seek out help of people who have experience in the work you are interesting in pursuing.
Note the rain showerhead in place in the bathroom already. Stuart scored that fixture at the Great Outdoors for a really Great Price. He is so proud of it.
I am proud of his persistence in this project. When he tore into the bathroom, he has admitted he had no idea how much work it would take to restore it. But he is deriving a great deal of satisfaction from the endeavor. For my part, I thought it way cool to be standing side by side in the bathtub with my grown son affixing tiles to the shower enclosure in his new home. The easy exchange between us, once we settled into the job, and the cooperation between us - well, that's the stuff of dreams.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Oh Deer!
This WAS the edge of my daylily bed just a few days ago. Today, the deer, which have a regular path across the North Forty, decimated this corner of the garden. They also helped themselves to green bean and sweet potato leaves. On this, the first day of summer, I am sad. The deer are wearing me out. Their appetites and numbers grow each year. I spray regularly, alternately using a pepper based spray and Plantskydd. Both are effective, but only for so long, given the monsoon season southern Ohio is enjoying this year. My husband has suggested an electric fence. I've seen some very inconspicuous ones, but I don't know how I feel about turning my beloved yard into an electrified compound. I could plant deer resistant plants, but I don't much like most of them. Hopefully, I've bought a couple of days worth of respite from their gnawing.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Of weddings, Virginia, and boxwood
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I've been keeping my eye on another renovation project I will share with you in the days ahead. A young couple, with whom I am acquainted, has embarked on painting their rambling frame home, embellished with great trimwork. I've been watching their progress on the project, and will share photos with you as soon as I ask them if I may share their work with the world, or at least my portion of the world. The house was painted a sort of creamish/yellow with rusty orange accents. I have seen green on part of the house, but don't know what other colors they plan to use in conjunction with it. I'll keep you posted and hopefully, have some pictures of their work soon.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Lightning Bugs, Mama and Crickets
Summer has arrived.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Butterfly Garden
The butterfly friendly plants pictured include salvia, bright yellow milkweed, gaillardia, lavender and three colors of pinwheel zinnias, a bushy mildew resistant type of zinnia. Other plants and flowers already in the garden include pink buddleia, daylilies, monarda, rudbeckia, marigolds, caryopteris, coneflowers, and other varieties of zinnia. In the midwest, all of these flowers and shrubs are good choices for a butterfly garden.
The garden is a work in progress. A child sized arched bridge, built by my mom and dad, a dry creek bed, and a butterfly house have already been placed in the garden. Pathways will be added next. When it is complete, I'll post some pictures.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
What's in a Name?
The North Forty of which I write is actually the side yard of our home that lies, fittingly, just to the north of the house. When we bought our home almost 25 years ago we discovered a lot line just feet away from our new residence. As we did not want to be hemmed in by another house, we plunged further into debt to buy the adjoining lot. Hence, our North Forty was born.
The first order of business was to plant spindly pin oak trees around the perimeter of the house and North Forty, an act for which I am very grateful every day. Our property lies hidden away beneath the now towering oak trees which offer protection from the summer sun, a sense of enclosure for our space, enchanting red and golden fall color, and much brown material for the compost pile.
The rock-strewn-clay-soiled North Forty has undergone a massive evolution over the years. Buckets full of rocks have been hauled off the property, while truckloads of topsoil and compost have been shoveled into it. Trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables have been planted and replanted. Patios and walkways have been built and rebuilt.
The expanse has seen toddlers scamper across it on their way to the Eagle's Nest, a wooden play structure, long since dismantled. Young boys played baseball and built snow forts there. High school golfers perfected their short game, leaving only a few divots to show for it, plus one broken dining room window in a neighbor's house. Friends gathered for giant bubble-blowing contests on the Fourthf of July. My husband and I illegally burn leaves in the garden each fall, just for the almost forgotten smell of it.
The North Forty, represents, for me, the entirety of this gracious place I call home. Join me in this celebration of home and my never-ending search for inspiration as I continue to improve upon it. I'm hopeful you will make discoveries that will brighten your homes and lives.
Welcome, come in, make yourself at home, and enjoy The North Forty Chronicles.