Friday, July 13, 2012


Impending grandmotherhood has given me the nesting instinct.  (None of the photos in this post have anything to do with the subject matter of the post.  I just like them.)

Because I have been so busy helping The One and Orion prepare for the arrival of the I-can't-wait- for-much-longer granddaughter, (just imagine how her mother must feel) I realized, with a good bit of alarm, that I had not begun to prepare a place for my granddaughter to place her little head when she comes to visit.

Better Half and I trooped off to the basement this evening to search for the crib he was sure we saved.  We did.  It is buried behind decades of the stuff of life.  Better Half has promised to resurrect it tomorrow.  That will be an undertaking, to be sure.

I've begun to ponder painting the guest bedroom, formerly known as Orion's room.  The colors I'm pondering are called Gleeful and its lighter cousin, Springtime.  Both are Sherwin Williams shades of green, not much different than the chair on which these flowers are resting.

I had envisioned a fairy pink and ivory palace for the little princess, but realized that if a little prince happens along after the little princess, it might make more sense to choose a more neutral palette.

So, we've got a crib, a rocker, and a basic small dresser..  It looks like we need a new mattress, some bedding, a box of diapers, a good many books, and open arms, most of all, open loving arms.

I can hardly wait.  I'm like a five year old on Christmas Eve. 

Hurry along, darling baby girl. We're all so anxious for your arrival! 

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