Monday, September 10, 2012

Queen City Indeed

Better Half, Ivey, Sister Golden Hair and I spent the better half
of the weekend enjoying the sights, sounds, and tastes of Cincinnati.
My inaugural trip to the Great American Ball Park
 "Take me Out to the Ball Game" sung by 35,000 people during the 7th inning stretch -
a moment to remember.
The home team won.
We walked across the Purple People Bridge
to a garden of purple park benches.
This bright blue bridge, also known as the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge,
is a gorgeous site to behold.
Lots of color spanning the Ohio River.
We stayed in one grand dame of a French Art Deco Hotel.
I gawked like a first-time-to-the-city bumpkin.

Everywhere I looked there were fabulous details.
And what trip would be complete without German fare -
pretzels, sauerkraut balls, potato pancakes and deep fried dill pickles 
 accompanied with cold beer served in huge mugs?
Hofbrauhaus provided both food and fun, though no one
at my table stood up on the benches to do the Chicken Dance.
We passed on the ball park sushi, served up with paper greens in a shell shaped paper bowl.
This photo was taken surreptiously, so as not to offend the fan sitting
 next to me who seemed to enjoy his sushi.
Cincinnati was known as Porkopolis in the early 1800's. 
 It was the major pork market in the US at that time.
Scores of pigs were herded through streets on their way to market,
Now, pigs of a different stripe decorate the streets of the downtown.
Ivey, Sister Golden Hair and I "ham" it up with the Starry Night Pig.
I think this porcine could aptly be called the "Bling Pig".
Even Better Half got into the act
by cozying up next to a dapper pin striped pig.
He refused to plant a kiss on its cheek.
The day and night we spent in the Queen City
rained down much enjoyment on us all.

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