Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello Again!

So, yes, I know it's been 53 days since I last put fingers to keyboard.  Actually, I have put fingers to keyboard, but I published none of the posts, either because I didn't like the words I wrote, or I fell asleep in the middle of typing them.  And, because it's been 53 days, and because life has upended itself, and because I'm stumbling down a new path,  and because I am still adjusting to this new life path, I don't know where to begin.  But, if I do not begin to write again soon, I fear I never will.  (Thank you, Mom, for your gentle encouragement.)

I will make it short and to the point.   I left behind what most would consider a perfectly good job at the university in my little town so that I might take care of my baby granddaughter while her mom and dad work.  That's it.  Sounds simple and easy enough.  It wasn't.  But, all that was not easy is now water under the bridge, and it is best to leave it there, where it belongs, in the past, and under the bridge.

That about brings us up to date. Funny how 53 days of intensity can be summed up in one short paragraph.  It's time to move on. 

Baby granddaughter, by the way, is one amazing little person.  Her rate of growth and development is nothing short of astonishing.  Bright and early each morning a new little girl peers out at me from the confines of her car seat.  One day finds her intent on practicing rolling over.  The next day finds her fascinated with the bump in the middle of her face, better known as a nose.  The next, she may spend hours exercising her vocal chords - screaming, cooing, and squealing.   Each day, something new.  Each day, a different mood.   She grows ever more focused, ever more alert, ever more attuned to the world around her.  We are still becoming acquainted, she and I.  It has been, is and will be a grand journey of discovery, trust, care, and love.  I am humbled to be taking care of this precious child.

Life on the North Forty continues on, decidedly different, yet delectable, all the same.


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