This is my baby granddaughter posing prettily in the front yard for her 52 week photo. You see, her parents, Orion and The One, have taken a photo of her each Thursday for the first 52 weeks of her life. They posted every one of those photos to Facebook. Baby Granddaughter has grown to be a Thursday night favorite of a great many people. By week 10, it was apparent that she was born to be a crowd pleaser. Her willing smile began to light up the page and light up our lives. Thanks Orion and The One for sharing her first 52 weeks with us.

On the eve of her first birthday, I thought it would be fun to have a look at all 52 photos, to see how she has changed and grown during the year. Because I could scarce believe my eyes, I had another look at all 52 photos.
And, after having had 104 looks, there are a couple conclusions I have drawn, one of which might be of interest to anyone reading this post, because it applies to all of us. As each of us rushes headlong through our days, we must take each moment and live it to the fullest. It is our only chance to do so. Once each minute, each hour, each day has passed, IT IS GONE. It is imperative that we concentrate on the here and now, for it will never be again.
It is almost incomprehensible to me that baby granddaughter, the smiling, self-assured almost toddler in the photo above, is the same spindly legged infant seemingly swallowed up her by clothing in Week 1. Those 52 weeks have flown by.
As I rocked her this morning, I gazed down upon her little face, watching her ever so gradually fall asleep. I savored each twitch of her eye, each breath, each tiny noise she made as she made as she drifted toward sleep. I lived in that moment . . . and it was all good.
Happy Birthday tomorrow, Luca.
Mamaw loves you . . .
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