Monday, April 16, 2012

Life Experience No. 2

Eveybody has a hobby or something they enjoy doing in their free time.

Some people play golf.
Some people shop.
Some people collect baskets.
Some people garden.
Some people travel to exotic places.
Some people attend sporting events.

And . . . some people gather on top of a mountain to shoot guns - at vehicles, old washing machines, spent fuel tanks, and uniquely, last Saturday, a 60 ton sand sculpture.

If that were not enough, a television crew filmed the whole event for a show called Sand Masters, to be shown later this summer on the Travel Channel.

Orion and his friends were besides themselves with excitement as we made our way to the top of the mountain.  I was beside myself at the sights before my eyes.


Orion took this photo.  Didn't he do a spectacular job?  These bullets were at least six inches long.

The initial explosion and barrage of machine gun fire was intense and deafening, even with ear plugs in. 

The shooting continued.  Fires erupted.  Smoke billowed.  And look at that weird blue cloud.  I honestly have no idea what it is.

Then the heavens opened up and it began to rain.  We took cover under the assorted canopies, where we signed our release to appear on TV. They even took our pictures.

By this time, I was cold, wet, tired of the ear plugs and longing to sink into the comfort of my Suburban for the ride home.  30 minutes of steady machine gun fire and the assorted pandemonium had taken its toll on me.  I bid Orion and his friends goodbye and trundled down the now muddy mountain.

Orion got his chance to fire the big guns after I left. 

He took another great photo at what remained at the end of the day.  Gonna need a really big shovel to clean up that mess.

This has been one Saturday I will not forget for a very long time. 

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