Monday, May 21, 2012

The Adventure Begins

My brother, Mayor, and I are going to garden together in the Community Garden!  I can't wait.  I've been prancing up and down all day because the garden was finally plowed today.  All that remains to be done is the laying out of the plots.  We are almost there. I sent him a text this afternoon to let him know the garden had been plowed.
After work this evening, I made my way to the river where the garden lies to check on the garden's progress, hoping to be able to plant a little this evening before the forecasted rain.  Guess who was right behind me?  That's right, Mayor!  He was just as anxious as I was to begin the garden adventure. The plots were not quite ready, so we have to wait another day or so.
We contented ourselves with going to the feed store to purchase a few more seeds, plants and tomato stakes.  We sauntered among the plants.  We chose some late romaine lettuce.  We bought Flat Dutch cabbage plants, the only cabbage our grandfather ever planted.  I believe we both inherited the gardening gene from him.  We bought more tomato plants, Roma, though God only knows why.  We will be swimming in tomatoes come August.  We're trying a tiny watermelon variety and a muskmelon.  And, we rounded out our selections with some green beans and onion sets.  All this on top of the tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes we have on hand already.
Why all this excitement over planting a garden?  Why. . . because it means Mayor and I will be gardening together.  We've made the decision to take the two plots and treat them as one garden.  We will be planting, hoeing, weeding, laughing, giving each other grief, and working side by side to do what we love.  I can't wait.
You see, there are only two people in this whole wide world who have known me longer than my brother.  Those two people are my parents. My brother, Mayor, was born a mere one year and 11 days after me.  We were inseparable as babies for almost four years, until our little brother happened along.  Our mom, in one of the family's famous Olan Mill's photos, dressed us in matching sailor suits.  We could have passed for twins.  

Mayor was the funny, happy-go-lucky personality with a twinkle in his eye.  I was more serious.  He was the charmer. I was the shy one.  We made a good team.  
Things haven't changed all that much, actually, over the years.  Neither has my love and genuine fondness for my brother, Mayor.  He is a kind, smart, creative, good-to-his-very-soul person.  He knows what I am thinking without my ever having to say a word.  He knows me, for better and worse, and seems to like me in spite of it.  He is my friend.
This summer, we are going to produce huge volumes of vegetables together. I am so looking forward to the time we will spend in the garden.   
I will keep you informed of our garden progress during the summer, complete with photos of the many beautiful gardens.  The folks who toil in the Community Garden share a passion for gardening.  It shows.  Their gardens are works of art and are productive, as well.
Let the fun begin! Stay tuned!


  1. Congratulations Barb. I know your garden will be a great success. I can't wait to see pictures! Love to you and Greg and your families!

    1. Thanks. What a nice surprise to see your name! Yes, this summer promises to be both fun and fruitful, a perfect combination. Stay tuned.
