Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Good Earth

The Community Garden adventure began today.  Day One - Bare earth, but not for long.  

Mayor and Sis taking a break from their labors.

 As the sun set, gardeners were still working their plots.

Mayor, Sis and I concentrated on the soil this evening.  One of our neighbors let us borrow his hoss cat tiller so that we could further refine our soil. Sis' dad liked to call finely worked soil "Bug Dust". I think that's about the consistency of what we have to work with now.

We managed to plant three rows of onions,  some lettuce and cabbage plants, and two rows of potatoes in the most fastidiously spaced intervals I could ever imagine.  We have rows and rows left to plant. 

We met some of our garden neighbors this evening.  Everyone was busy as bees, laying out their rows, setting plants into place, and sowing seeds.  It was pleasant to be part of the group.

As the sun set, all grew quiet, cool, and calm.  A fitting end to a good evening's work.  

1 comment:

  1. Day One was an adventure...getting tillers, rakes, hoes, string for straight rows, onion sets, tomato plants....and now the fun begins...
